If a manufacturer’s equipment makes noise, then it is important to not only let customers know what that noise level is, but also predict the sound levels a customer can expect when the equipment is placed in a room.
BCA Technologies provides equipment selection software sound and acoustic calculation DLLs that can be incorporated into design tools, selection software, and eRep for use with any sound producing equipment such as HVAC, generators, copiers, engines, electrical, and rotating equipment located outside or inside.
Having acoustic calculators gives the manufacturers an edge over competitors who do not have sound calculation tools in their software.
Here is some information about Outdoor Equipment sound:
Acceptable sound levels for humans is defined by OSHA. Equipment located outdoors like generators, machinery, chillers, pumps, etc. generate noise that may exceed those acceptable levels. Equipment located outdoors can be attenuated using either Insertion losses (acoustic blankets, walls, enclosures) and by distance from the noise source. The resulting noise level is calculated by the BCA acoustic DLL, giving designers assurance that the right equipment is located and attenuated for acceptable use.
Here is some information about Indoor sound and acoustics:
Sound power levels represent the sound as it is produced by the source, with no regard to attenuation between the source and the space. Acoustical design goals are necessary to provide criteria for occupied spaces where people can be comfortable and communicate effectively over the background noise of the air-conditioning system and other background noise sources.
Acoustical design goals are desirable sound pressure levels within a given conditioned space and are represented by noise criteria (NC) curves. The NC curve levels represent a peak over a full spectrum of frequencies. A high value in a low frequency band has the same effect on NC level as a lower value in a high frequency band. It is important that sound levels be balanced over the entire spectrum relative to the NC curve. The lower the NC criteria curve, the more stringent the room acoustical design must be to meet the design goals.
It is important to know how to convert NC levels from the unit ratings in terms of sound power (Lw). This conversion depends on the specifics of the acoustical environment of the installation.
The resulting calculations are compared to the NC curve selected for the area to assess the acoustical design. Some of the factors that affect conversion of sound power to sound pressure and consequent NC level include:
• type of ceiling
• use of metal or flex duct
• absorption in the occupied space
• location in the occupied space
• open or closed layout plan
• use of open or ducted returns (if applicable)
• orientation of unit to occupant
• use of lined or unlined duct
Contact BCA to find out more about BCA’s engineering selection programs with acoustic calculators and how these tools give your company a competitive edge!